DCPS Watch Me Grow Card - 1920s - Backside. These are the front and back of Watch Me Grow Cards (my uncle Hugh's) that DC Public Schools used to issue to every student in the 1920s. It measures growth and depending on the color, told you if you were growing properly. What's really interesting is the advice on the back of the card about sleeping and fresh air. People were intelligent back then. Now neither sleep nor fresh air are high on the radar.
DCPS Watch Me Grow Card - 1920s. These are the front and back of Watch Me Grow Cards (my uncle Hugh's) that DC Public Schools used to issue to every student in the 1920s. It measures growth and depending on the color, told you if you were growing properly. What's really interesting is the advice on the back of the card about sleeping and fresh air. People were intelligent back then. Now neither sleep nor fresh air are high on the radar.