Pat Sullivan,Spotsylvania Historian

I met Pat Sullivan through Ancestry.com after finding his blog online when researching my first cousins' maternal genealogy. His accounts are detailed and provide answers to many queries about the life and times of the history of the region. His book, No Matter What Befalls Me is a compilation of his many blog entries in more detail and photographs.

"In my companion blogs, Spotsylvania Memory and Rockbridge Memory, I tell the stories of some of Virginia's richly documented historical families. Drawing on original photographs, letters and other source material, I seek to provide an intimate look at the lives of some remarkable people who lived in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
My book, "No Matter What Befalls Me: Virginia Families at War and Peace," was published in 2015."
Pat Sullivan
Book: No Matter What Befalls Me: Virginia Families at War and Peace is available for purchase at the Orange County Historical Society